Hi, we are Student Publishing!

Here you can find information about us and our work.

Our game publishing company is a small but dedicated enterprise that passionately focuses on releasing games from talented students. We firmly believe that there are many young and creative developers with fantastic ideas who offer a fresh perspective on the gaming industry. Therefore, we have taken it upon ourselves to provide these talented students with a platform to make their games accessible to a broader audience and enhance their portfolios.

We highly value the creativity, commitment, and originality that students bring to their games. We are convinced that the potential of students and their creativity should not be underestimated. That's why we provide our developers with all the resources and expertise they need to successfully bring their ideas to life.

Our publishing portfolio spans a wide range of genres, from action and adventure games to puzzles and simulations. We are always on the lookout for new and exciting ideas, striving to increase the diversity of the games we publish so that every player can find what they are looking for.

We are committed to building a long-term partnership with our developers, giving them the opportunity to launch their careers in the gaming industry, even beyond their time in academia. We aim to help our developers reach their full potential and turn their dreams into reality. We look forward to collaborating with you and making your games accessible to a broader audience!

Our values

Good work takes time.

We have no deadlines, and there is no crunch time. If you need more time for the game, you will have it.

There are no limits to your creativity.

You make the game the way you want. We do not restrict you.

You are the focus.

We publish your game so that you have something to showcase. No mandates, no forced monetization.

Fair distribution.

We take care of the distribution within the team, no disputes over money.

Keep it simple.

We ensure that you understand every step of the publication. No business jargon and no legal speak. Well, when avoidable. If there is some, we will take time to explain everything to you.


You know at every moment what is happening and how the publication is progressing.

Interested in working with us?