Here you can find all the projects we have supported so far.

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What people say that have worked with us:

„Student Publishing has been very accommodating in releasing Swift Space. What Student Publishing - as a very young company - lacks in experience, they make up for in commitment, close contact and in-depth communication. Both the contract communication and the legal regulations as well as the conclusion of the contract were regulated quickly and consistently by Student Publishing and relieved us as developers – and students - a lot.“

–Louis von Gersdorff, Swift Space

„SwiftSpace originated as a study project in the fourth semester of the Game Design & Management program at Hochschule Fresenius, Wiesbaden. Early in the development, we realized that in this project, we saw more than just a simple assignment. We wanted to continue working on SwiftSpace even after the submission and share it with the world. The collaboration with Student Publishing seemed particularly fitting. The direct and precise communication allowed us to focus on the actual development process and our passion, while Student Publishing took care of the legal and economic aspects of the publication on various platforms.“

–Niklas Büdel, Swift Space